I don't remember anything. All I know is that I am no where near Florida! It smells weird like carmel and roses? I don't know what the smell is, I think i hit my head because everyone looks so weird they're colored.. I see purple, blue, green. I wonder how I hit my head? Well I'm going to try to tell you what happened... if i can remember...
So I think I woke up and I was getting ready for somthing, oh I was getting ready for school. On my way to school I saw a really weird plane in the sky. It was shaped like an oval and it had weird lights on the bottom. I told my mom to look at the plane but she couldn't see it, which was weird because w always point out planes to each other. Anyways when I got to school everyone told me we had a substitute, everyone was excited. Whenever our teacher was gone we got the best substitue! When we got to class we didn't have Ms. Hernandez, we had Mr. 9b. He was really weird, who's name is 9b? He even talked weird, he had an accent that i had never heard before! We didn't really mind though we just decided to go with it.
The substitute only talked to us about outer space and Earth. He would ask simple questions, in complcated ways, like "where do you contain your bread?". He even asked if what we do with the crumbs. The whole school day was really weird I got bored so I put my head down and fell asleep. I fell into such a deep sleep that I didn't even hear the bell to go to lunch or to go home, and no one woke me up.
The next thing I know is I am the only one in the class and the teacher is turning blue! I can hear him talking into a red piece of paper. He is talking in some weird language not from earth. Then he woke me up and he put a pencil on my head and started to make weird noises. I started to shrink the teacher picked me up and put me in his pocket. I thought to myself he must do this a lot, because in his pocket he had some tables and chairs and couches to sit on, he even had an ipod. I started listening to the ipod but I fell asleep.
I found myself in a weird room, i couldn't remember anything. This weird room smelt of carmel and flowers maybe roses. All I knew was that I wasn't anywhere near Florida! I was guessing maybe i hit my head. There were some Blue people, Green people, and then there were some people who were little and they were Purple. These people were asking me for bread crumbs. The way they were asking me they made it seem like bread crumbs were VERY important to them. So I gave them some crumbs I found in my pocket. I heard someone calling my name. I looked around but I didn't see anyone I knew. Suddenly I woke up. I was laying in my bed, at home, in Florida. I realized I was dreaming, I mean I had to have been. I looked out my bedroom window to see an oval shaped plane with lights in the bottom. There was a Blue and Green person waving to me from the plane. I rubbed my eyes and looked again but they were still there. Was I dreaming? Aliens aren't real... or are they? (:
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