Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Dream A World

I Dream a World is a poem by Langston Hughes. This peom is about living in a world free of discrimination and hatred. In the future I envision a world that has less discrimination. Discrimination is the worst thing to have to experience. A large majority of us have experienced some form of discrmination, wether it was severe or very moderate. You may not even notice that what happened to you was a form of discrimination, but once you do it is not a good feeling at all. To make this vision become true for the future we as a society have to work together to put an end to discrimination and hatred. We are able to do this by standing up for each other and by being a little more open-minded. In this poem Langston Hughes is saying that he wants to live in a world free of hatred, a world with peace, and in a world were we all appreciate each other.

Race In America

Just two New York block down from the memorial of the World Trade Center an Islamic mosque is being built. There have been many heated discussions about this. There are some people who believe that the mosque should not be built here because of the World Trade Center, and others say that according to the Declartion they have the right to build and practice their religion any place they would like. Personally I think that just out of the courtesy of the United States it would be nice to move there religious sturcture just a few blocks down. I do agree that everyone has their "freedom of religion" and that they should be able to practice their reliogin where ever they choose, but they should still have repect for other cultures.

In Gainesville Florida Pastor Terry Jones was planning a big ritual to take place on September 11, 2010. Pastory Terry Jones had planned to burn the holy Quran. A Quran is a very spirtiual and special book to the Islamic culture, just like the holy bible.This has also been a very heated topic in the U.S. Many people have said that he does have the right to do this, it is his "freedom of speech, and freedom of religion." I do agree again that everyone has their freedom of religion, but this person in particular is taking advantage of his freedom. I do not think this event is right in any way. I do not believe that this falls under his freedom of religion, this is an illegal crime. This plan is a hate crime, that needs to be stopped. In an interview Pastor Jones says "Jesus would not burn books, but he would burn this one." This is quote just shows how Pastor Joness' plan is. Not only is this a hate crime but also this is discrimination.

I have heard so many disscusions about this Quran burning being linked to the current clash over immigrants in this country. I do believe that these topics I disscused could be related to the latest views on immgration. In this country we are supposed to welcome everyone to our country the land of the free, but we are not doing this. In this country there is so much discrimination and hate. We just put up with all of it because it is just under the surface, but i think that we should try to put a stop to it before it get worse.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Book Report on Sold by Patricia McCormick

Sold is a book about a little girl who is sent away by her father to go work. It turns out

that the little girl I'd not going off to work in housekeeping. The very interesting part about this is that the father knew about it the whole time and also this still happens in certain parts of the world.

 After reading this book it really made me think about how people in different places look at life. When you read this book it really makes you think about your life, and how grateful you are to have family who loves you. You realize that you are very fortunate to still be with your family and they don't want to send you away.

This book made me feel very upset that a father would actually sell his daughter into prostitution; it's a very crazy thought. I don’t think that this is right in any way, I understand that they needed money but the parents should have sent their daughter to a safer environment to work.

Wisdom Haiku

Dance to the beat of your heart not someone else's drum
Make your choices it's better to learn from your mistakes not someone else's.
Your heart is the music of your life, never turn it down, just listen.

Life is about making choices, don't worry about what will happen.
Think about right and wrong, but for the most part, go with what your heart says.
be grateful and caring, not greedy and selfish,  you will feel better.

We need to learn to what you want in life you have to work hard.
Don't be scared to dance when everyone is watching just go with it.
Don't worry who is watching or listening, show them what you can do.

-Amanda Otero